Wednesday 1 July 2009

Your next Assessment.. How will you be rated?

The 30th September 2009 sees the publication of the new Rating List which will identify the Rates Liability of your premises, to be effective as of April 2010. The Rateable Value of your premises is re-valued every 5 years and the Valuation Office Agency use a date (The Antecedant Date) at which rental levels are assessed, and this process takes into consideration the prevailing market conditions at that time; for the forthcoming Re-Valuation. The Antecedant Date is 1st April 2008.

This date is of great significance because in many cases it represents just about the high rental point in the Property cycle and is to be compared to the low rental levels used at the last Revaluation in April 2003, which dictate your current Rating Bill.  Consequently your rateable value will probably see significant increases: with the Retail Sector seeing the largest average rises and London's West End Offices seeing the largest specific increases; most other sectors are likely to witness average rateable value increases of between 10-15%.

Space is limited to identify all of the likely Sector ''winners'' and ''losers'' but it remains clear that the 2010 Revaluation comes at a particularly unfortunate time when businesses are looking to reduce outgoings and will be faced with, in some cases, a doubling in their Rates assessments.

The message is to prepare for a likely increase in your Bills and budget accordingly; however as with past Revaluations the Government has introduced a scheme of Transitional Relief to spread the increases over the 5 year period...this has yet to be announced but is anticipated prior to 30 Sept ''.

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